STARMOON is the consulting company which help organization to reduce their current running cost by implementing the latest technology which are running in the market.
STARMOON help Industries by training the people under corporate training program on various technologies used in the market.
STARMOON invest time with trained technical experts to understand the pain area of their client & provide them the most practical & affordable solution .
STARMOON is the trustworthy partner with more than 950+ customers & most important ingredient to our company is TQM.
STARMOON always provide product/services with price & service guarantee because for us trust matters most.
STARMOON dedicated support center will always add value & create a strong bond between to build excellent customer relationship.
STARMOON Account Manger team visit regularly to our clients to help future with our other value added products & services.
STARMOON is the one stop solution for converting manual process onto Automatic with the help of Digitalization
1033, 10th floor, Tower B2, Spaze i-Tech Park, Sohna Rd, Sector 49, Gurugram, Haryana 122002
India Office:-
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